Frequently Asked Questions


Getting to and from the Boat

Getting to and from the boat can be done a variety of ways. There are often public transportation options, and people can be dropped off or picked up by a friend or family member. Uber may also be a good option, especially if several people are going to the same place. Call us in advance to discuss the possibilities.

Where to Park

Our trips begin at a variety of places, so contact us to determine the best parking strategy. There is overnight parking at Monterey Downtown Garage East and West, and at hotels close to the Monterey Harbor.

What to Pack

Offshore trips, especially overnight trips, require a variety of specialized gear. All guests should bring their own inflating personal flotation device with an integrated harness. Atalanta is equipped with tethers, which we will use to clip into the boat at night and in windy or rough conditions. Offshore sailing boots, foul weather bib and jacket, warm layers, and a headlamp with a red lens are among the other required items. Shearwater will provide a detailed list of gear to pack several weeks in advance of each trip.


Motion sickness affects people in different ways. If you are prone to it, we advise you to consult your doctor to provide a prescription for one of the common medications such as Dramamine (pill) or Scopolamine (patch). Atalanta is equipped with wrist bands and ginger gummies and ginger ale to alleviate nausea.